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Bit-Allocation via Tree-Structured Signal Partitioning

A small Glimpse into the world of Signal and Image Processing. This project allowed me to utilize a vastly used method for Adaptive Sampling, a technique which is also used in CG for Space Partitioning, Voxelization and Rendering.

Adaptive Sampling methods instruct algorithms where to focus their computational resources, saving time and space, but unfortunately, finding the Optimal Sampling of a Signal is Hard. 

In this project, we are given an input Signal and a Bit Budget, I've implemented the QuadTree method which, at each iteration, decides wether it is beneficial to split some interval into 4 subintervals. The aim is to split where it matters and as much as the given Budget allows.

The algorithm and its variations were implemented in Matlab and feature:

- Adaptive/Uniform Samplers

- 1D/2D Signals supported

- TopDown and BottomUp approaches

- Show Splits in Real-time

- Export Binary Representation of the Partitioning

- Plot QuadTree

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